Precious Metal Trading

Trading precious metals, in particular Gold in a manufactured and unmanufactured state

Gemstones Trading

Ethically supplying precious gemstones to major jewelry retailers and wholesalers around the world

Consulting Services

Skilled and experienced consulting advisory trading services

Maral Boutique


Precious Metal Trading

Establishing strategic and enduring relationships with leading mining and trading companies penetrating into international markets with demonstrable growth potential.

Gemstones Trading

We bring you gems that possess years of crystalized energies; gems that spent decades hiding in the heart of the earth to form the perfect gemstone.

Consulting Services

Providing consulting services in precious metals and gemstones trading and acting as an intermediary with respect to UAE regulations and compliance.

Maral Boutique

Creative jewelry designed with passion to match
the uniqueness of every soul

MAJ Enterprise DMCC was incorporated as a Limited Liability Company in Dubai
in October 2022 and operating under the name of MAJ, “MAJ”.
The company is engaged in Precious Metals, Stones (PMS) and Jewelry Trading.

MAJ Entreprise DMCC